Album Turcana Lake |
Jo ja tenia quasi decidit
anar cap a Kenia pel costat oest del llac Turcana; només són
150km abans d´arribar a l´asfalt. Però el Mick i la
Helen tenien clar que anaven per l´est i em vaig engrescar a anar
amb ells amb una certa motivació i també por d´anar pel camí que
vam començar amb el Jepi. Per altre banda millor no anar sol i
encara millor si és amb bona companyia.
Podeu visitar el seu blog
on hi ha una força detallada descripció de la nostre aventura
Després de l´accident
les motos les vaig deixar a la policia d´Omorate, amb la
documentació signada com si ja haguéssim sortit del país. Patia per no tenir problemes per treure-les d´allà, sobretot per la moto
del Jepi que la portaria a casa de la Donna i el Dick on es quedarà
fins que li trobem un destí. Ells van ser els que em van ajudar a
trobar un avió per poder portar al Jepi a un hospital ( perquè la
companyia d´assegurances no va fer res ). Però tot va anar prou be,
vam portar la moto ( sense papers d´importació ) a casa seva. La
única dificultat va ser creuar el riu Omo en la seva barqueta, però
ja saben com fer-ho. L´endemà al matí vam emprendre la gran
Va ser emocionant passar
pel lloc on el Jepi va tenir l´accident. Hi vaig dedicar un minut de silenci. Els companys m´havien
d´anar esperant degut a la meva extrema prudència. És un lloc
espectacularment remot i vam tenir unes quantes dificultats. Algunes
parts del camí son realment difícils; sorra, pedres, roderes
gegants, creuament de rius, problemes de navegació ( no hi han
cartells en els creuaments ), calor espatarrant, vent molt fort en
camins molt complicats. A més a més no hi ha benzineres, ni bars,
ni aigua, només algun poblet Dasanech i Turcana. Vaig arribar sec al
primer lloc on tenien benzina.
Tot anava prou be fins que
buscant el camí que porta cap al costat del llac en vam agafar un
(que mirant-ho després crec que era el correcte). El camí tenia
unes roderes gegants que m´obligaven a anar per dins intentant
mantenir la direcció recta. Tot ell amb pedres enormes (pilotes de
tenis) si em desviava era caiguda assegurada. I així va ser! quan ja
estava a punt de deixar-ho corre. La mala sort va ser que em va
caure la moto sobre el peu, no em vaig trencar res, però el cop va
ser gros. He de dir que en el moment em vaig espantar molt, patint de
no haver-me fet mal de veritat. Això va passat potser a la meitat
del camí ( el lloc més proper estava a molts kilòmetres en
qualsevol direcció ).
Després de Maralal ens
despedim; ells van cap a Nairobi i jo cap a Eldoret on renovaré el
Carnet de Passage per poder continuar el viatge cap a Uganda.
I already had almost
decided to go to Kenya through the west side of lake Turcana. There
is only 150km before reaching asphalt. But Mick and Helen they knew
they were going through the east side. So that encourage my self to
go with them, also with a certain motivation and afraid at the same
time to go down the road that we started with Jepi. On the other hand
better not going alone and even better if it's with good company.
You can visit his blog
where there is a fairly detailed description of our adventure
After the accident I left the
motorbikes in police in Omorate, with all documents signed as if
they had left the country. He suffered from not having trouble
getting them out there, especially for Jepi`s bike which I would take to Donna and Dick´s home where it will stay until we find her a target. They
were the ones who helped me find a plane to take Jepi to an hospital
(because the insurance company did nothing). But all went well, we
brought the bike (paperless import) at his home. The only difficulty was
crossing the Omo river in his little boat, but they know how to do it. Next morning we started the great adventure
It was exciting to go
through the place where Jepi´s accident happened. I spent a minute of
silence. My companions had to wait me all the time due to my extreme driving caution. It
is spectacularly remote place and had a few problems. Some parts of the
road are really tough, sand, stone, huge ruts, crossing rivers,
navigation problems (there are not signs crossings), crazy heat,
strong wind in very complicated "roads". In addition there are not gas
stations, no bars, no water, and only some little Dasanech and Turcana villages. I arrived completely dry to the first place where there was petrol.
All was going well enough until looking for the way that leads to the lake we took one very difficult way (after watching
it that I think that it was the right one). The road had some huge ruts that makes me
go inside trying to keep a straight direction. All it with huge stones
(tennis balls size), if I was not strait I fall assured. And so it was! when I was about to give up. The bad luck was that I the bike fell on top of my foot, I did not break anything, but the blow was big. I must say that I was very afraid that I didn´t really hurt myself. This
happened maybe half way (the closest place was many kilometres in either
After Maralal we say goodbye,
they head towards Nairobi and me to Eldoret where I renew the "Carnet de Passage" to continue the journey to Uganda.
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